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The COVID-19 crisis has impacted on every place in the UK and as place managers we have reacted in a range of ways to mitigate the economic and public health implications of the coronavirus on behalf of our levy payers.

As BIDs at the sharp end of this effort, the work we do to absorb the shock of the crisis continues, but we are also beginning to look ahead at the longer-term effects of the virus. None of our towns and cities will remain unchanged.

Bill Addy
Chair, The BID Foundation


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About the Toolkit

The document is arranged by service areas typically delivered by BIDs. Each of these contains guidance on relevant issues, useful links to official sources of advice and examples of best practice from BIDs.

This includes:

1. How to plan for the reintroduction of BID operations

2. How to redesign existing services to support local recovery

3. How to advise levy payers on return to operations as restrictions are lifted

The Toolkit is published here for the first time and it will become a living document, updated regularly as advice changes. The intention is that BIDs will continue to contribute to it with best practice and areas of guidance that are not yet covered.

What's included?

The Toolkit covers the following operational areas for BIDs:

1. Reopening your office 

2. Managing public space 

3. Environmental services 

4. Security

5. Wardens and Ambassadors

6. Event management

7. Marketing and communications

8. Data management

9. Governance and partnerships

10. Billing and balloting

11. Other useful links

TBF Pre-Recovery Planning Group

The Toolkit was written and compiled by the BID Foundation’s Pre-Recovery Planning Group, comprising
the following members of The BID Foundation:

- Nadia Broccardo, Team London Bridge (Chair)

- Ben Stephenson, Institute for Place Management / BID Foundation

- Helen Clark-Bell, Love Wimbledon Business Improvement District

- Robin McGowan, Salisbury BID

- Sarah Loftus, Lincoln BID

Comments, corrections or best practice can be sent to Ben by email -

The BID Foundation - get involved 

The BID Foundation continues to support BIDs in their response to COVID-19 and to help ensure high standards across the sector, delivering the best outcomes for levy payers and communities.

BIDs can join us every Wednesday on the TBF COVID-19 Recovery Webinar - for more discussion on current issues and opportunities, from policy to tactical initiatives.

You also can find out more about The BID Foundation and Membership

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