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Autumn Statement - analysis and discussion | 17th Nov 3pm

Downing Street

The BID Foundation: Webinar - 17th November | 3pm-4pm

Autumn Statement - analysis and discussion



The UK is waiting for November 17th for Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's Autumn Statement, to find out the extent of public sector spending cuts and support for businesses struggling with inflation and other supply side issues.

On the 17th, The BID Foundation will convene its membership online for a session to respond to the autumn statement, analysing the key decisions made and how they will affect BIDs, levy payers and wider communities over the coming months.

The hour-long session, open to BID Foundation members, will cover:

  • Autumn Statement - key headlines and messages for levy payers

  • Local government funding settlement and what it could mean for local communities

  • Future of investment zones and relevant supply side initiatives to boost growth

  • Immediate response of TBF in lobbying for further business support

  • Discussion with members and Q&A

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Additional BID Industry Standards support

The session will also include an update on TBF Industry Standards accreditation and how your BID can achieve this, demonstrating excellence in governance and BID transparency.

The Industry Standards are available to all BID Foundation members and we can guide you through the accreditation process, including partnering your BID up with another who has gone through the process already.


About the author


Formed in 2006, the Institute of Place Management is the international professional body that supports people committed to developing, managing and making places better.

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